Business Planning Development Service Package
What is a Business Plan?
A business plan is a document that summarizes the operational and financial objectives of a business and contains the detailed plans and budgets showing how the objectives are to be realized. It is a road map to the success of your business. For anyone starting a business, it is a vital first step.
A business plan is also a road map that provides directions so a business can plan its future and helps it avoid accidents on the road. The time you spend making your business plan thorough and accurate, and keeping it up to date, is an investment that pays big dividends in the long term.
The objectives of Business Planning Development Services are:
- To facilitate Entrepreneurs in the development of Business Plans to be used for various purposes, including the application for financial resources,
- To facilitate Entrepreneurs in the application of knowledge and skills acquired from trainings and seminars into their businesses,
- To support Entrepreneurs in additional topics related to the presentation of Business Plans to funding institutions and to performance of business activities.
Implementation of the Business Planning Development Services (BPDS):
Pre-Selection Questionnaire and Selection of the Target Group: Target groups of the BPDS are both Potential and Existing Entrepreneurs who set up their own micro or small businesses. At the end of the Micro Business Game, the trainer asks the participants if they would like to attend additional training modules including Business Planning Development Services. Two different Pre-Selection Questionnaires are used for selection of the target group among potential and existing entrepreneurs.
KOSGEB Online Training - KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization of Turkey), as the National SME support Organization, provides online and free trainings to increase the efficiencies of SMEs and entrepreneurs in economic and social development to reach an innovative, technological and competitive structure through effective supports and services. As Sparkassenstiftung, we strongly suggest entrepreneurs to take online Entrepreneurship training with KOSGEB. With this training, BPDS will be more efficient and trainees understand the content of entrepreneurship better. These programs are completely dependent on KOSGEB and are under the management of KOSGEB.
Business Plan Development Training - There is no standard business plan since different businesses may have different goals and their environment is extremely varied. Thus, one needs special skills and diligence to describe three- or five-year development prospects of a business, especially given the ever-changing economic environment. Therefore, important sections of a business plan are those on systematic business control and steering. The Canvas Business Model (CBM) is used as a methodology of the Business Planning Training. The CBM is popular with entrepreneurs all over the world for its innovative business model. The Canvas Business Model is also used by KOSGEB. KOSGEB requires the filled document of the Canvas Business Model as a condition for the application of the Entrepreneurship Support.
Coaching services for preparation of Business Model - Group Coaching methodology is used for the Coaching Services so that participants can share their experiences and learn from each other within the group. During the Coaching services Business Model template of KOSGEB or Canvas are used according to the needs. It is assumed that at the end of the Coaching Services the entrepreneur will finish his/her own written business model and will be ready to apply to various financial institutions according to their needs.
Coaching day 1
- Explanation of the template and content of the Business Model
- First coaching session: Completion of the Entrepreneur and Company Profile section of the Business Model
- Second coaching session: Customer Segment section of the Business Model
Coaching day 2
- Third coaching session: Value Proposition, Channels and Customer Relationship section of the Business Model
Coaching day 3
- Fourth coaching session: Key Activities and Key Resources section of the Business Model
- Fifth coaching session: Key Partners section of the Business Model
Coaching day 4
- Sixth coaching session: Completion of the Revenue Streams and Cost Structure section of the Business Model
- The coach reviews all draft Business Models and makes note of comments and suggestions for the finalization stage
Coaching day 5
- Seventh coaching session: Finalization of Business Models taking into account the comments and suggestions of the coach
Follow-Up Consultancy
Discussion of additional topics related to presentation of Business Model and performance of business activities, such as:
- Discussion and Decision making for funding agency to apply
- The key aspects to be focused on during the presentation of Business Plans to funding agencies
- Review of loan application package for completeness and compliance with funding agency’s requirements
- Registration of a legal entity/sole entrepreneur with State Registry
- Obtaining a digital signature for issuance of invoices and submission of tax reports
- Online invoicing and tax reports filing system of Turkish Tax Authorities
- Activities to effectively market the products/services, i.e. the ways to present the products/services to potential customers, including creation of business profiles in social networks
Expected Result:
As stated in the objectives, upon completion of the Business Plan Development Seminars the participants shall have a Business Plan document ready for submission to financing institutions. As a result, they will be able to:
Generally, after the Business Planning Development Services, the participants will be able to start and/or manage their businesses more successfully. They will have more opportunities to obtain finance for their business activities, hence increasing the growth potential of their businesses.